Finishing Dashboard

Dashboard build has take much more time that i never ever imagined.

I believe Nissan S13 dashboard in example would be also quite nice, but it´s not my cup of tea.

I wanted dashboard to be perfect. I wanted it would be as original looking as possible. I did´t want to use dashboard from other car.



Empty spaces are now filled with fiber class to make it whole.




Test drive again.  Every component must be in perfect place. There is still something to fix in placement. It´s not feeling OK.




Gas pedal also fitted.IMG_1465



Window wiper locations moved. Working with wiper linkage as well.IMG_1467



New plece to suck fresh air inside car.  It also helps linkage mounting. IMG_1468



Dashboard holes filled with filler.IMG_1479


Speedo cable re-located. IMG_1484



Quite tight curve for speedo cable. Time will tell how long it last.IMG_1487



There is hole under that metal sheet where fres air will go inside cabin. Needed to do that sheet to prevent raining into the car. IMG_1490 IMG_1492



Dashboard changed. Cluster did not fit in properly in place after all. IMG_1497



Dashboard changed again. It was not tilted perfectly. “Cut and paste”.IMG_1521 IMG_1526



Hood opener. It´s bit too stiff to use. No time now to do it better.IMG_1529 IMG_1530



Dashboard almost done. I painted it to see lines better.IMG_1532 IMG_1542



Under dashboard there is still work to do. Lot´s of air ventilation pipes etc. They needed to be match for new blower location.IMG_1543   IMG_1546 IMG_1547


Starting to look car again



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